
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Telecommuting for Wahms

Before you try to find a Work from home job on the Internet, consider looking for a telecommuting position within your own company or your own field. Telecommuting is quickly becoming a viable option for office professionals and businesses alike. Telecommuting originated from the need for businesses to reduce expenses, and the need for workers to spend more time at home. In addition, workers receive many other added benefits.

Telecommuting normally entails going into the office for a few days a week, and then working from home for the remainder of the time. In some cases, you can even telecommute full time from your home office. All you’ll need is reliable telecommunications gear like a PC, high speed Internet, fax and phone line.

Telecommuting has several benefits for the employee. First, by becoming a Wahm, you’ll have special tax advantages that can save you hundreds of pounds each year. You’ll also save on gas costs and wear and tear on your vehicle. Your budget for a work wardrobe will be reduced since you’ll be in the office less, or not at all. No more spending money on eating out at lunch since you can make your own meals at home.

You’ll also benefit health wise. People who work at home tend to have less stress levels because they can work in a relaxed environment. Lower stress means a healthier body and mind. You’ll gain more time in each day because you won’t have to spend upwards of 5 hours each week on the road. Finally, you won’t have to deal with office politics. Many people who telecommute find that they are able to work more efficiently without interruptions from the cubicle next door or the latest office gossip.

If you currently work a position that you believe can be done from a home office, then its best to prepare a case to show your supervisors. Asking to telecommute is not something that you should just ask randomly one day. Gather statistics on how much businesses save every year by allowing their employees to telecommute. Find articles that tout the benefits of telecommuting, from the business point of view. There are lots of benefits for you, but your employer will want to hear what is in it for them. You’ll also want to provide your supervisor with the specific duties that you expect to complete from home. Show them how the arrangement will work and make the decision very easy for them.

If you want to work from a strictly work at home company, then you’ll need to get your resume together and start applying for jobs. Keep in mind that there are thousands, if not millions, of other people trying to obtain telecommuting positions. Don’t wait to hear back from one position to try applying to another one. Send out your resume to as many companies as you can. Eventually, you’ll find the right position for you.

Remember, when you start your job search, that legitimate companies will never make you pay to work for them. Unfortunately, since telecommuting is such a hot field right now, there are many scammers out there who try to take advantage of people who want to work from home. Protect yourself by researching an opportunity thoroughly before giving your personal information or any funds..

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Making the Wahm decision

Mothers who work at home (or Wahms) are a growing population of working America. As more and more women want to spend time with their children and need to bring in an income, there has been a boom in the work at home industry. Making the decision to work at home is not always an easy one. Before you decide that being a Wahm is right for you, you need to take a few things into account.

You’ll need to decide if being a Wahm is right for you and your family. There are many benefits to working out of the home. You can set your own hours, you don’t have to commute to work and you can be there for your kids when they need you. However, there are some downsides as well. The isolation of working at home can be an issue for some women. There are also challenges related to juggling work time and family time.

You’ll also have to look at the impact that working from home will have on your family’s financial situation. If you are moving from a high-paying full time job to working part time from home while you care for your child, there will definitely be some financial adjustments. However, whatever your cut in pay will be, you have to weigh that versus the costs of putting your child into daycare full time. Although it may seem like your work at home pay will be minimal compared to your full time out of the home job, you need to consider how much it will cost for daycare. If you can make an equal amount of money or more by working part time from home and taking care of your child yourself, it is well worth it financially to stay at home.

However, some women see that raising their child without the use of daycare, whether or not they make a significant income, is the real benefit of being a Wahm. The perks of raising your own child, while still bringing in money for the family, are many. Children are only young once, and being able to stay at home with them is one of the top reasons that women choose a Wahm career.

There are also several qualities that make a Wahm successful. Before you start working at home, evaluate whether you have these qualities or can develop them.

Working at home normally fits into two different categories. You can either work as an independent contractor for a company or you can work for yourself. Either way, you are going to be in charge of your own schedule. You’ll need to be extremely self-motivated and work well without having a supervisory presence in your work environment. Even those who choose to work for a company are responsible for scheduling their own time and meeting deadlines without a lot of input from supervisors.

Another important skill to have as a Wahm is time management. When you work out the home, you are confronted with two sets of challenges each day. You’ll be faced with the work you need to get done, but you’ll also be in the midst of your household, where there are always things that need to be done. If you focus too much on your work, your house will get out of control, and vice versa. Having good time management skills will help you tackle the diverse challenges of being a Wahm.

Making the decision to become a Wahm requires a lot of thought and consideration. If you are thinking about working from home because you are having a baby, or because you are tired of sending your children to daycare, take some time to write down the pros and cons of becoming a Wahm. Talk things over with your family to ensure that you are making the right decision for the family unit. There are plenty of resources online for moms who are looking to find out more about the realities of working at home. Once you’ve considered your position and done the necessary research, you’ll be better equipped to make the right decision for you.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Drawbacks to working at home

Working at home is one of the fastest growing trends in careers today. However, many people jump on the Wahm bandwagon without considering all of the drawbacks to working at home. While some people are naturally inclined to work at home, others find the transition more difficult to make. There are many benefits to working at home, but the drawbacks need to be considered before you make the choice.

The first drawback to looking for a work at home career is that your current career may not easily transfer to a work at home situation. If you work in the medical field or are a police officer, being a Wahm might not be an easy transition unless you are willing to change careers entirely. Sales and administrative positions transfer well, as do creative jobs like design and writing. For those in jobs that can’t make the work at home switch, you’ll have to think carefully about what you want to do when start working at home and start investigating that field.

Cost is another important factor in deciding if working at home is right for you. Although many mothers start working at home to save on childcare, there are added costs to being a Wahm. If you need health insurance, it will have to come out of your pocket instead of being paid by your employers. There are also many taxes that you will have to pay. Your record keeping must be excellent in order to keep track of your income and expenses, and to fill out your income tax return at the end of the year.

Working at home with children is not always as easy as it seems. If you have young children that aren’t in school yet, it may be difficult to work when they are awake. This can mean lots of busy naptimes and late nights to get your projects done when they are sleeping. Family members can help take care of your children from time to time, but the responsibility of both your children and your job will be firmly in your hands. With older children, it is sometimes easier to work from home. But you will still have to start and maintain a fairly balanced schedule in order to get everything done.

Wahms have to be very self-motivated and disciplined in order to get their work done on time and correctly. If you are the type of person that is motivated by outside factors (such as a supervisor), then working at home may not be your cup of tea. When you work at home, there is no one there to look over your shoulder and make sure that you are still working. Distractions like the television, Internet and housework can be hindrances to your work at home success.

Isolation is another problem for Wahms. Working at home alone can get frustrating and lonely. Make sure you are comfortable with spending time alone, and that you take steps to combat isolation. If you are especially prone to being depressed, then the isolation that comes with working at home may make you feel withdrawn and sad. Taking steps to combat loneliness is an important part of any Wahm’s success.

After considering these factors, you may decide that working at home is not right for you. However, thousands of people deal with these drawbacks and still have successful work at home careers. These reasons should not stop you from becoming a Wahm if that is really what you want to do. Just make sure you understand the realities of the work at home lifestyle before you commit to it.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Finding Web Writing Jobs

If you’ve decided that working as a Wahm writer is the best work at home job opportunity for you, then you’ll need to figure out how to get writing assignments. Fortunately, when you work as a web writer there is no shortage of job opportunities. It all depends on where you look and how much research you are willing to do.

Web writing can break down into several different categories. Before you begin looking for work, you’ll have to decide whether or not you want to get credit for your writing. If you insist on byline, you may have difficulty finding a lot of paying jobs. Byline jobs are out there if you look. However, the most money to be made is from working as a web ghostwriter.

Many Wahms find success with ghostwriting. When you work as a freelance ghostwriter you provide writing services for clients who will then use the work as their own. Ghostwriting as a wahm is a lucrative opportunity, especially when you focus on web writing. For the most part, the Internet is a text and image based platform. Companies and individuals who run websites constantly need text to make their websites attractive to visitors. Since writing is something that a lot of people would rather not do, this leaves plenty of opportunities for people who love to write.

Web writing Wahms need only an Internet connection, e-mail address and word processing program to get started. Your own website is not necessary, but it adds a touch of professionalism to your writing business. However, when you are first starting out you can get plenty of work without having a website.

There are several different categories of web writing. When you see the term “content writing” you will normally be providing text for an existing or new website. Your writing will have to be engaging and clear for website visitors. Article writers concentrate on providing articles for websites, newsletters and blogs. Generally, articles for the web are between 400 and 800 words each. Any more than that is difficult for readers to sit through while looking at a computer screen. Copywriters are challenged with putting readers in the mood to buy. They write copy for Internet sales letters and marketing sites. Ebook ghostwriters provide clients with full-length books on a variety of topics.

Wahms who write need to be professional in their online presence. This means spell-checking all writing, including e-mails to clients. It is also a good idea to get an e-mail address that is specifically used for your writing. A personal e-mail address with a goofy handle will make you appear unprofessional. Your first and last name or a combination thereof is a good choice for your web writing e-mail address.

Writing for the Internet has a few differences from writing essays in school or writing for print magazines. Readers online have short attention spans, and you’ll need to keep your sentences short and your paragraphs clear.

The other difference is the use of “keywords” in certain writing assignments. Keywords are words that have been selected by your client to be used in the article. These words have been selected because they are Internet search terms and your client wants their website to show up for those search terms. Keyword articles will require you to use the word or phrase a certain number of times in the article. Sometimes it can be difficult to use the words without making it sound forced. Experienced web writers have developed ways to make the keywords flow naturally into their articles.

Once you’ve gotten a few web writing assignments under your belt, you can decide what type of web writing suits you best. You can find work on writing message boards, freelance writing job sites and classified ad sites like craigslist. Whenever you apply for a job, make sure to include your contact information and a few well-selected writing samples.